Unlock Tantaly Tantabosom's Secrets

Tantabosom Tantaly: The Ultimate Guide is a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of Tantabosom. It provides detailed instructions on how to use the Tantabosom technique to achieve maximum benefits safely and effectively. Experienced practitioners and beginners alike can benefit, as this guide covers all the basics and advanced techniques.

What Is Tantabosom?

Tantaly has responded to customer feedback and developed a new generation of gel breasts, Tantabosom. These silicone implants are designed to be safe, comfortable and realistically shaped, having been improved upon in the production process since April 2022.

What Distinguishes Tantabosom Gel Breasts From Other Brands On the Market?

During the course of Tantaly research into gel breasts they identified certain challenges.

  1. Manufacturing gel-type breasts is historically the most costly out of all breast types. To help save costs, we engineered a proprietary gel formula to increase production efficiency.
  2. We aimed to create a more securely jiggling, realistic breast experience than what was available from rival products.
  3. Gel breasts are most commonly designed for those with a C cup or larger; how can they be adapted for those with smaller busts?

Tantaly dedicated six months of research and development to address the issues with the existing gel formula. Our team then optimized the micromolecular fusion of inner breast gel material and the outer skin. Temperature control during production was also improved. After countless tests, the new formula, called Tantabosom, yielded a more realistic boob-shaking effect while decreasing the upgrade cost for gel breasts to ensure an affordable price point.

Tantabosom offer 30% greater softness than other brands, providing a lifelike shaking sensation and retaining a natural breast shape over extended periods of time. To learn more about Tantaly's sex doll torso please click Big Boobs Sex Doll Torsos.

What Safety Considerations Should Be Taken for Using Tantabosom?

  • We urge you to not grab the Tantabosom breasts with excess force, as it could result in damage.
  • To ensure that Tantabosom retains its shape and does not deform, please store it with the breasts facing upwards.
  • To preserve the original color of Tantabosom, avoid wearing dark underwear; a light color pairing can also help make the garment look attractive.
  • Tantaly's polycarbonate packaging is customized for every doll, providing better protection for the breasts and extending the product's lifespan. After cleaning, it is recommended to store the doll in the packaging.


Tantabosom are Tantaly's specially designed gel breasts. Developed from April 2022 and following up on customer feedback, Tantaly R&D team improved the production process of existing gel breasts, creating a new generation that is safer, more comfortable and better in shape. Tantaly new formula substantially reduces cost, enhances jiggling realism and is suitable for small breasts. Tantabosom have a 30% softer feel than other breasts, plus a more realistic shaking effect and stable shape over time. To get the most out of Tantaly Sexdoll, handle gently, store upright and use light colored lingerie. For extended shelf life, use polycarbonate packaging.


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