Offisiell Tantaly-distributør - POPTORSO
Vi er stolte av å kunngjøre vårt samarbeid med Tantaly® som deres offisielle agent i 2023. Vi er også glade for å tilby våre kunder Tantaly sexdokker for en mer realistisk og behagelig seksuell opplevelse.
Tantaly was established with the aim of revolutionizing the sex dolls industry. Tantaly strive to set a new standard of quality and realism with Tantaly collection of realistic torso sex dolls. Our ultimate goal is to provide customers with a lifelike and highly satisfying Tantaly Sex Dolls.
Whether you're seeking a mysterious companion or a hauntingly beautiful addition to your collection, now's the ideal time to take advantage of this offer. Don't miss out on this spine-tingling opportunity!
Tantaly ble grunnlagt med en opprørsk ånd og et høyt mål: å lage superrealistiske torso-sexdukker, samtidig bli standardprodusenten for torso-sexdukkeindustrien."
Tantaly Sex Doll Torsos, tilgjengelig i en rekke torsomodeller fra store til små, slanke til fulle. Du kan glede deg over Tantaly-dukkene i misjonærstilling eller vovse, nok til å la fantasien løpe løpsk.
Hos Tantaly doll kan du velge mellom ulike typer og farger på kjønnsleppene, og som vi alle vet er smaken forskjellig. Uansett hva du velger, kan du forvente topp kvalitet. Tantali-leker har forskjellige kroppsdeler for å passe dine preferanser – enten du er en rumpemann, en brystmann eller du leter etter en sexdukke i nesten full størrelse. Tantaly tilbyr kvalitetsoverkroppssexdukker til en god pris.
Hvis du leter etter vellagde torso-sexdukker av høy kvalitet.
Hvis du tenker på å oppgradere fra en onaner, men ikke er klar til å forplikte deg til en sexdukke i full størrelse ennå.
Hvis du ønsker å simulere en mer realistisk opplevelse.
Hvis du vil ha et kosete sexleketøy.
Tantaly leketøy vil være perfekt for deg!
Vi er stolte av å kunngjøre vårt samarbeid med Tantaly® som deres offisielle agent i 2023. Vi er også glade for å tilby våre kunder Tantaly sexdokker for en mer realistisk og behagelig seksuell opplevelse.
A better world of male masturbators
Tantaly's origin traces back to California in the USA, from the mind of Steven, who had tested various male masturbators. He desired the full body sex doll experience, but not its sheer size and cost. Meanwhile, he was attracted to the portability of the airplane cup, yet felt it lacked variety. He further observed that the market was saturated with inferior sex toys, with only a few reliable brands in desperate need of improvement. This prompted him to launch a brand merging the advantages of airplane cups and full size sex dolls, vowing to craft quality sex torso dolls of global pedigree.
Driven by insatiable curiosity
Tantaly sex torso stand out due to their design-driven focus. Tantaly torso doll have a signature look that's easily identifiable. Tantaly real dolls are the result of bringing together features from other dolls with feedback from our large, loyal customer base. This enables us to continually innovate, providing an unparalleled sexual experience for users. As we strive to deliver quality and realism, Tantaly sex toy remains a front-runner in the realm of sex doll torsos.
Founded with an ambitious goal in mind, Tantaly realistic love dolls developed a series of highly realistic torso sex dolls. Tantaly strive to meet the highest standards of the industry to provide you with a more satisfying and life-like experience.
Tantaly has cemented itself as a leader in the sex doll torso industry by creating an array of lifelike sex dolls crafted from TPE material, mimicking the true feel and texture of real skin. This attention to detail provides customers with a hyperrealistic sexual experience. Furthermore, Tantaly encourages inputs from customers, developing new products and designs to ensure they are providing the utmost satisfaction.
Tantaly cutting-edge gel breast technology has far exceeded competitors on safety, touch, and appearance. Its versatile design can be used with both large and smaller busts and upgraded dolls are continuously becoming available. Because of Tantaly Sex Doll's customer-centered approach, Tantaly Sexdoll has earned over 50,000 customer reviews since our launch 2 years ago. Tantaly always focuses on customer needs and uses technology to create increasingly realistic sex toys and experiences.
Tantaly Sexdolls can be categorized given their skeletal structure -- most with non-movable, and some with movable joints. The latter typically comprises a waist joint that can sway up to 15-20° forward and backward, as well as a leg joint that can extend a full 90°. You can click Tantaly Sex Doll Skeleton Movement Range to view the specific range of the doll's skeletons.
Tantaly Tantabutt provides a more realistic, elastic texture than standard gel asses, making it more resistant to harm and providing extended durability.
Traditional gel asses are prone to harm and deformation due to their entire gel construction and soft edges. To guarantee the soft feel of the asses, reproduce a true female ass shaking effect, and guarantee long-term durability, we innovated our gel ass production method by adding an extra layer of standard material to the outer layer of the ass material for support. We also conducted multiple rounds of testing to decide the ideal thickness of the outer skin material and the softness of the inner gel. Throughout the fusion of the outer skin and inner gel, to stop the separation of the two materials in later stages and to achieve a velvety soft texture, we tested the perfect timing for heating and cooling of the materials throughout production, ensuring the complete fusion of the materials.
Tantaly Sexdoll Tantabutt requires production staff to invest more technical knowledge, increasing production time by 20%. Despite this, its success can't be undervalued; when it comes to ass jiggling, shape, or longevity, it outpaces similar soft-ass sex doll torsos available. In addition, the severity of softness is 50% greater than in previous designs. To learn more, TANTALY SEX DOLL TORSO ASS OPTIONS.